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As part of my goal to stay abreast and read as much as I can about my field of work, I do spend a fair amount of time and energy in following sites and blogs of leading executive coaches, the world over. I have come away from each visit both satisfied and energized. In this context, I came across this thought provoking post in Tony Mayo’s Executive Coaching site. Tony is a leading CEO executive coach whose goal is to ” help people be productive and satisfied”.

In the post I was talking about, Tony asks why our goals focus on what we don’t have and not on making the best of what we have. Very insightful. Reading this struck me about my current thinking. I often remind myself of the fact that we tend to compare ourselves with those who have “more” than us. We seldom compare ourselves with those who have “less” than us. We are often not grateful for having “more” than most others.

I do realize that what constitutes ” more ” is a personal variable. This would naturally differ from person to person -depending on their circumstance. Yet, in a tight financial situation in the world around us, should we not make the best of what we have? Or do I run the risk of being labeled ” too easily satisfied” ? 🙂

What are your thoughts?

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This is Post No: 322 of the “A Step A Day” series : To provide perspective and provoke thought to facilitate self-development across a wide spectrum of issues- big and small- crucial for executive success.